Hey Blinks! A coworker and I today were sharing Rose covers and such. And this cover I watched a long time ago popped into my head, but I can’t for the life of me remember which song it was. It sorta sounds like Gone, that same type of tempo too. American song I believe, lyrics were all in English. I thinkkkkk it was on a variety show, as I remember a cafe looking room they were in with brick, I think. She was playing the guitar too. Anyone have any shots at which song it might be? Lol. Long shot, I know.

EDIT – found it! My memory is off though with the cafe and brick and even the guitar really haha. How not surprising for me haha. But it was this song and the tune I was remembering was around the 0:36 mark, that part of the song and how she and Lewis Capaldi sing it.


by sjsharks323