[@voguehongkong](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7qP9IliSd8/) >在這個快節奏、紛擾複雜的世界中,追求真正的幸福彷彿是一個難以捉摸的目標。然而對於 #VogueHongKong 6月刊封面人物 @Sooyaaa__ 來說,通往真正幸福的大門早已存在於我們每個人的內心深處,正如 #JISOO 所說,「我們對待生活的方式很大程度上取決於我們自己的觀點」。請期待更多獨家訪問內容!直接點擊 Vogue Hong Kong 的 link in bio 閱讀更多文章
>In today’s hectic world, the pursuit of happiness can seem like an elusive goal. JISOO offers a optimistic take – the doorway to true bliss already lies within each of us. “A big part of how we experience situations depends on our own perspective,” she muses. “So in my own life, I try to pay more attention to how I feel, to love and take care of myself, and eventually find happiness in every situation.” As she begins a new chapter in life, JISOO is focusing on what really matters: being true to herself, and spreading joy to others. Stay tuned for more exclusive content. Click on Vogue Hong Kong’s link in bio to read more articles.
>Photography: @ParkJongHa Styling: @Stylist_Eel Executive Producer: @BabyLee82 @BLCreativeHouse Makeup Artist: @Hh3116 Hair Stylist: @JangHyeYeon_ Manicurist: @Nail_UniStella Set Designer: Lee Ye Seul @Nnomatterart Assistants: Park Mi Jeong & Lee Jin Kyung Cover Jewelry: @Cartier #voguehkfashion
>在這個快節奏、紛擾複雜的世界中,追求真正的幸福彷彿是一個難以捉摸的目標。然而對於 #VogueHongKong 6月刊封面人物 @Sooyaaa__ 來說,通往真正幸福的大門早已存在於我們每個人的內心深處,正如 #JISOO 所說,「我們對待生活的方式很大程度上取決於我們自己的觀點」。請期待更多獨家訪問內容!直接點擊 Vogue Hong Kong 的 link in bio 閱讀更多文章
>In today’s hectic world, the pursuit of happiness can seem like an elusive goal. JISOO offers a optimistic take – the doorway to true bliss already lies within each of us. “A big part of how we experience situations depends on our own perspective,” she muses. “So in my own life, I try to pay more attention to how I feel, to love and take care of myself, and eventually find happiness in every situation.” As she begins a new chapter in life, JISOO is focusing on what really matters: being true to herself, and spreading joy to others. Stay tuned for more exclusive content. Click on Vogue Hong Kong’s link in bio to read more articles.
>Photography: @ParkJongHa
Styling: @Stylist_Eel
Executive Producer: @BabyLee82 @BLCreativeHouse
Makeup Artist: @Hh3116
Hair Stylist: @JangHyeYeon_
Manicurist: @Nail_UniStella
Set Designer: Lee Ye Seul @Nnomatterart
Assistants: Park Mi Jeong & Lee Jin Kyung
Cover Jewelry: @Cartier #voguehkfashion