Hello my loves! We really wished we could give you guys a concert before the end of this year but unfortunately due to safety reasons we decided it would be best to postpone the online concert to January 31st. I hope everyone out there is taking care of themselves too. We miss you so much and can’t wait to have you all join us on January 31st. Mwah 💋

우리 블링크! 올해 온라인 콘서트로 꼭 만나고 싶었는데 아쉽게도 안전하게 공연을 진행하기 위해 1월 31일로 연기하게 되었어요! 블링크 너무 보고싶지만 우리 모두 1월 31일날 더 좋은 모습으로 꼭 만나요! 많이 사랑하고 몸 조심하고!! ❤️