I’ve been dying to share this exciting news with you all but I finally get to tell you – I have my very own sleep story, out now on @calm!! I started using Calm almost two years ago and it’s helped me get a comfortable, good nights sleep every single time. I literally dreamed of recording my own version someday, so thank you Calm for having me join in this fun project. I certainly won’t be able to fall asleep to my own sleep story just yet (still getting used to hearing my own talking voice lol) but I cannot wait for you guys to hear it.
I hope you all enjoy it, let me know what you guys think, but most importantly: I hope it makes you all KNOCK. OUT. Lol ☁️😴


여러분 제가 @calm이라는 어플에 슬립스토리로 찾아뵙게되었어요. 저도 2년전부터 사용하면서 잠들때 너무 많은 도움이 돼서 꼭 한번쯤 저만의 슬립스토리를 만들어보고싶었는데 이렇게 재밌는 프로젝트에 참여하게되어 너무 설레고 여러분에게도 많은 도움이 됐으면 좋겠어요. 꿀잠 자세요 여러분 ☁️💤
