I’m curious as to what people’s favorite moments are in BP songs since it’s quite rare to hear an official and clean version of their instrumentals. This could be from their studio songs, covers, or concert versions.

I’ll go ahead and start with some of my examples. For the first one, I really love the [second pre-chorus in KTL](https://youtu.be/910Lw_sPpZY?si=OLoOkNB6WW6m-Gqy&t=106), there’s just something about it that grabs my attention. Same from [this orchestral cover](https://youtu.be/rHkYPln6PrE?si=hnCX7PcJQQSaXkGn&t=113) for the song. The [pre-chorus in DKWTD](https://youtu.be/WOVpjPA5Ho4?si=egvh04ddsm_fUIeh&t=31) is another favorite of mine. Shout out to TheBandSix for [this rendition of Whistle](https://youtu.be/Pr1mr1UNJ5I?si=1I-nbyx1NF-xpXs1&t=165) at their 2019 Coachella performance – I love everything from this point on. From their recent Coachella performance, I really like how the [guitar is working](https://youtu.be/JdugKLdak4U?si=n77hIMyUDu6LRKDH&t=151) the chorus in Pink Venom. Later on, the [drums added a nice touch](https://youtu.be/JdugKLdak4U?si=olC0957FQH20V07m&t=226) in the second chorus. And of course, [the remix on HYLT’s second chorus](https://youtu.be/2VEUjvxR1Tg?si=NiGuQ6eMAsVUhPjr&t=224) caught me totally off guard.

So, what are you’re standout moments?

by Sooyaa_Yah_Boombayah